Pop Psychology Album Credits

Ye gods, I’m simply thrilled. I could not have made this record without a ton of goodwill and enthusiasm from real musicians. So until iTunes and the like provide track info, here’s some much deserved credit where it’s due…

mostly recorded and mixed by dan bryk at flabby road 3: rise of the machines, north raleigh NC.

discount store was mixed by greg wells at rocket carousel studio, los angeles.

mastered by jeff carroll at bluefield mastering, raleigh NC.

chris staig, chris warren, kathryn rose and kurt swinghammer were recorded at the original flabby road in mississauga, where bryk did some of the playing and much of the programming.

more early tracks were done at flabby road 2: the klumps, a dreadful rental apartment in durham.

street team was mixed at flabby road 4: this time it’s personal on the upper west side.

nearly all of the drums were recorded by josh hicks at the purple tea room, toronto.

street team was mostly recorded by daniel goodwin and sean price at the clubhouse, rhinebeck NY.

thom soriano’s bass on horizons and that mistake again was recorded by david nagler at upstairs hollywood medical college, brooklyn.
nagler also recorded the overdubs on street team there.

all those tracks were back and forthed via cd-r and ftp, so hooray for speech therapy.

grand piano, horns, some t-dot backing vocals and a couple of lead vocals were recorded by james paul at the rogue studio and magic bean roastery, toronto. mmmmmmmm.

maury lafoy’s bass playing and shoshana sperling and graham powell’s vocals were captured by maury lafoy at supers HQ, parkdale.

a couple of lead vocals were recorded by ryan pickett at pick’s gym, durham.

most of james brantley’s guitar parts were recorded at fire hazzard studio, durham.

tim carless’ guitars were recorded at the mockin’ bird recording company in chapel hill.

pete galub and greta gertler were recorded by bryk with the flabby road “red suitcase” remote at greta’s old apartment in park slope, brooklyn. thank god we finally have a laptop for that.

anything not otherwise credited was played and/or recorded by bryk at any of the flabby roads, except for looped drums from drums on demand and simon phillips’ drum foundations.

this album was recorded with logic, starting in emagic’s logic 5 silver all the way up to apple’s logic pro 8.

universal audio’s UAD plug-ins were essential in the making of this record. (that’s a shameless plug in hopes of sponsorship.)

cover painting ‘untitled’ (detail) by jill e. eberle.

delhi photo by erin mcginn.

portrait by terry laban.

thanks to everyone who dropped their rates or donated time, money, services and/or gear: especially greg wells, steve bass, dempsey elks, james brantley, tim carless, kathryn rose, jill eberle, terry laban, the OAC, and thomas ryder payne for loaning josh those kick-ass room mics.

special thanks to jeff, thom, cw, staig, luke, corey, shirley blake, steve salevan, adam and chris, down by avalon, the nova social, snmnmnm, snüzz, mike holt, cameron rose, c. christopher clark, madeline and waldemar bryk, your bad self and anyone else who might have talked me out of giving up.

with love and thanks to E.K.M.

most of the songs on this recording were written with the assistance of a popular music songwriting grant from the Ontario Arts Council.
we are insanely grateful for their generosity.

treat of the week

josh hicks: drums
kurt swinghammer: electric guitar
maury lafoy: double bass

discount store

josh hicks: drums
maury lafoy: bass
kurt swinghammer: lap steel, electric guitar, acoustic guitar
chris staig: drone guitar
jim brantley: skronk guitar
kathryn rose and greta gertler: backing vocals
KR, gertler, galub, staig, KS, bryk: shop shop shops

the next best thing

josh hicks: drums
maury lafoy: bass
chris warren: acoustic guitar
kurt swinghammer: lap steel, electric guitars
sarah mcelcheran: trumpet
rj satchithananthan: trombone


swinghammer: lap steel


Featuring Greta Gertler

kathryn rose: ‘stacked’ vocals
josh hicks: drums
thom soriano: bass
kurt swinghammer: electric guitar, acoustic guitar (left channel)
chris warren: acoustic guitar (right channel)
chris staig: outro electric guitar

city of…

simon phillips: drums:
tim carless: guitar
snüzz: guitar
joe hall: guitar

street team

Featuring Nova Social

thom soriano: bass, guitar
david nagler: guitars
daniel goodwin: drums
seamus and matt kenney: backing vocals

my own worst enemy

josh hicks: drums
al n. smithee: vibraslap
kurt swinghammer: electric guitar (right channel)
chris staig: electric guitar (left channel)
guitar solos (in order of appearance):
kurt swinghammer
chris staig
bryk (introducing keytard!)
jim brantley
pete galub

my alleged career

(thanks to the little criminals for the inspiration.)

josh hicks: drums
maury lafoy: bass
django haskins: electric guitars
chris warren: acoustic guitar
greek chorus: maury lafoy, graham powell, shoshana sperling, django haskins, chris warren, greta gertler, pete galub, drew smith, dana snell, j. matthew beckett, james paul, seamus kenney, matt kenney, alan martin, corey landis, lee feldman, luke jackson and django gaywright


todd sorenson: drums
tim carless: guitars
james brantley: lead guitar

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